InstantBlue Abcam

Features & Benefits:

  • Ultra-fast staining – Results in 15 minutes or less
  • Single-step procedure – No washing, fixing, microwaving or destaining
  • High sensitivity – 5ng bands detectable*
  • Clear background – High signal/noise ratio
  • Flexible – No overstaining
  • Quantitative – Batch to batch consistency
  • Efficient – Only 25ml per gel
  • Safe composition – Non-toxic. No fume hood or solvent disposal required
  • Methanol free – No gel shrinkage or protein methylation
  • Acetic acid-free – No protein acylation
  • MS Compatible 1 – Sustainable. No residual methylation or acetylation

InstantBlue is a ready-to-use Coomassie protein dye for polyacrylamide gels. Its unique mechanism of action stains proteins in 15 minutes leaving a clear background eliminating the need to fix, wash or fade. InstantBlue is formulated for safe use and easy removal.

InstantBlue is ready to use straight from the bottle and comes in convenient 1 liter premixed volumes. Its unique patented mechanism starts staining in moments and results are achieved in 15 minutes. Some traditional and precast homemade Coomassie R-250 stains may take 3 hours or more to fully stain the gels.

No need to wash, set, microwave or flush gels when using InstantBlue. Homemade stains often require all of these steps, and most ready-made solutions require at least one. InstantBlue uses a one-step protocol and can be completely bleached using standard procedures. InstantBlue’s acetic acid-free formula does not methylate or acetylate protein during staining, making it fully compatible with mass spectrometry.

Unmatched sensitivity allows protein levels as low as 5 ng per band (BSA) to be detected when staining overnight. This is thanks to InstantBlue’s specific protein staining that provides a clear background, improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the spot. Gels can be left in InstantBlue for weeks and still have a crystal clear background, all without the need for bleaching.

InstantBlue is non-toxic and disposable due to its methanol-free composition. Other stains require solvent removal procedures and may require microwaves, producing dangerous fumes. InstantBlue’s safe and effective staining composition means there is no need for microwaves, solvent removal, or fume hoods. The lack of methanol also means that the gel does not shrink.

Economical staining with only 25 ml per mini-gel allows you to use less InstantBlue. Homemade solutions and some premixed solutions require around 50-100 ml of stain per gel. InstantBlue will stain at least 40 mini-gels per bottle.

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